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The Who/What/Where/Why/When of PALANCA


Who is Palanca for?
Palanca is for all participating members of the weekend, from new candidates to team members

and also clergy.


What is Palanca? 
Palanca is a Spanish word meaning lever. It is an activity of grace to prod and assist the

recipient. The giver or doer performs some spiritual activity for the spiritual good of the receiver.

Palanca is what keeps us going. I would like you to know that there are many people out there who have spent months praying for you. They have attended extra Masses, have spent time reading Scripture, have done extra penance and fasting. They maybe even gave up chocolate, just for you. There are people taking care of our children; there are people who have cooked food, cleaned rooms, and scoured toilets. They are opening themselves to God so that they can do whatever is needed to be done, in order that we can have this weekend to experience Christ. These activities are what we call palanca.


Where to bring Palanca?

Palanca bags are located in the back hallway of the school at St. Peter the Fisherman. Please enter through the door at the end of the school which is to the left of the Parish Center/Office doors. There will be a sign on the door and signs leading to where the bags are set up. The bags are placed in alphabetical order for ease of distribution. Please bring Palanca letters starting on Thursday at set up, continued anytime until 5:00pm on Saturday. 

Why do we do Palanca?
Remember your first weekend? The powerful impact of those letters… need we say more? In addition it always seems we receive so much more from doing for others, than we give.


When do we do Palanca?
Prepare your hearts as the team prepares for the weekend. Each person's Palanca is as unique as they are, no specific timeline is set for doing a Palanca. The important thing is to do something.


Please feel free to contact any Rector or Assistant Rector listed on current flyer.

Please remember this is a very special gift received from the weekend. Let’s keep it a secret from others, so as they may experience it for themselves when they come on a weekend.

Click on the button to the right.

This is a current Palanca list.

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2024 by Lakeshore Christian Experience Weekend - CEW

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