Kitchen Donations
General Information
This page has been changed. Same Sign Up, just a different look
Below are sign up documents to donate food for the CEW and you can also sign up to help in the kitchen. In addition, links for any recipes you may need are located on this page.
The Food Sign Up and Kitchen Worker Sign Up buttons below will link to the same Google docs. we have used in the past. It's been removed from this page for quicker loading.
Please make sure your name is on any dishes/pans you wish to be returned to you.
Foods must be delivered to the St. Peter the Fisherman site. Follow signs. Signs will lead you into the kitchen area.
Please bring your food donations by the following times:
All foods need to be delivered by - Friday 7 pm
To Sign Up Below
Please scroll through the lists to view the complete lists.
Click on the appropriate slot next to the food item(s) you wish to donate, then type your name and phone number in the appropriate boxes. (When you click on a slot a flashing cursor will appear).
You will need to type your name for each slot you want.
The information will automatically save. Any changes made to this document are saved, so please be careful not to change anyone else's information.