Community Renewal Events

Is the acronym for Community Renewal Event. This is a group gathering, community event. Friends and family welcome and need not have attended a weekend to participate, except for Closings which are open only to those who have already made either a CEW or Cursillo.
Below is a listing of Upcoming CRE's and below is information on the annual CRE's, so be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Check the Calendar Page for CEW & Community Renewal Event (CRE) dates.
Upcoming CRE's

Do You Have an Idea for a CRE
Contact any Rector
Christmas Outreach
Soup for the Homebound
Friday, December PM - until finished
Saturday, December
SFA Waldo Social Hall
Please note this is a
Friday night and Saturday morning event.
We will make soup, cookies, and
Christmas cards as a community.
We will start at p.m. Friday night preparing the soups and decorating the cards and cookies that will be given to the homebound. Saturday morning the plants, soup, cards and cookies will be ready for pick at am to be distributed to our homebound parishoners. Please feel free to join us at any time. This will be a wonderful opportunity to do outreach and have fellowship with our CEW community and their families If you wish to donate baked cookies or wish to donate other items for this important and special ministry sign up sheets are available on the link to the right, or call .

Soup and Stations
3:00 PM ~ Stations
4:00 PM ~ Soup
SFA Grand Worship Site
This event is open to everyone,
not just CEW participants.
All are welcome, as the St. Francis and CEW community host an evening of reflection, remembrance, and fellowship. The event will begin in the Grand Worship site as we follow the sacrifice of our Lord through His crucifixion and hear a brief personal reflection, song, or prayer in relation to each station.
Sign up sheets for stations and soup are available by clicking on the link located to the right. If you have any questions call.