Team Letters
Soup and Stations
March 14th, 2021
3:00 PM ~ Stations
Soup & Fellowship to Follow
SFA Grand Worship Site
This event is open to everyone,
not just CEW participants.
All are welcome, as the St. Francis and CEW community host an evening of reflection, remembrance, and fellowship. The event will begin in the Grand Worship site as we follow the sacrifice of our Lord through His crucifixion and hear a brief personal reflection, song, or prayer in relation to each station.
After the Stations of the Cross, all are welcome to gather in the Grand social hall for a complimentary dinner of soup and chili prepared by the CEW community. What an amazing opportunity to welcome others into faith and fellowship. We hope you can join us and can bring a friend.
Sign up sheets for stations and soup are availabe by clicking on the link located to the right. If you have any questions call Eileen Zdanowski 920-629-3905 or Dan Owen .

Eucharistic Chapel
We will be using the Adoration Chapel located on 14th Street, across the street from the LifeTeen House. Look for the ramp leading up to the entrance of the Chapel (also the entrance for Father's house).
If you sign up for a Chapel time we need to know your phone number or email so you can be given the access code for the door. You will only need this code if you are there during the overnight times when the door is locked. If you are a regular to the Adoration Chapel it is the same code you already use to get into the Chapel when it is locked.
Those slots where names are automatically Bold, Italicized, & Underlined will need the code to enter the Eucharistic Chapel. All other times the chapel door will be unlocked.